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testApp Class Reference

#include <testApp.h>

Inheritance diagram for testApp:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for testApp:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void setup ()
void update ()
void draw ()
void keyPressed (int key)
void keyReleased (int key)
void mouseMoved (int x, int y)
void mouseDragged (int x, int y, int button)
void mousePressed (int x, int y, int button)
void mouseReleased (int x, int y, int button)
void windowResized (int w, int h)
void dragEvent (ofDragInfo dragInfo)
void gotMessage (ofMessage msg)
 testApp (long long int uid)
ofVec3f adjustoverShotCameraPosition ()
ofVec3f animate (int, int)
void startAnimation ()
ofVec3f startAnimationCameraPosition ()
void pushWigglePositions ()
ofVec3f wiggle ()
void loadImagesandXMLData ()
void drawImages ()
void generateCircularSpiral ()
void assignStarPositions ()
void drawStars ()

Public Attributes

ofCamera camera
ofVec3f cameraStartPosition
 These variables will be useful if DEBUGMODE is defined. More...
ofVec3f cameraEndPosition
int cameraindex =0
 The Cameraindex value,this make the camera go from one image/position to another. More...
bool animationMode
 checks whether the camera is currently transitioning to another picture or if it is stationary a.k.a animationMode More...
float tweenvalue
 stores intermediate tweenvalues for all animations More...
ofVec3f tweenedCameraPosition
 Stores the temporary camera position while tweening(interpolating camera position while moving from 1 point in the spiral to another) More...
int animationCounter
 Animation Counter that is operative while the animation is occuring. More...
bool isstartingAnimationActive
 If set,this variable will start the Animation of the spiral zooming out. More...
int startAnimationCounter
 During the starting animation,the StartAnimationCounter will change the tweenvalue which in turn sets the CameraPosition. More...
ofxXmlSettings pictures_XML
 To load the XML File that is downloaded by the NostalgiaRoom Website. More...
long long int userid
 The user's id that is passed at run-time.Only a long long int (max value 9223372036854775807) can support the range of the userids provided by Facebbok. More...
vector< ofVec3f > wigglePositions
 Different wiggle Positions/Directions .Look at the wiggle() function for more details. More...
ofVec3f currentwigglePosition
 Current Wiggle POsition. More...
int currentwiggleindex
 The current active index of the WigglePositions vector.The index determines the direction in which the image will move. More...
float wiggleAnimationCounter
 A seperate animation counter for wiggling. More...
vector< ImageDatacombinedImageObjects
 The actual data structure that is used for storing the ImageData objects. More...
vector< ofVec3f > StarPositions
 Stores the positions of the stars. More...
vector< ofVec3f > SpiralPoints
 These are Spiralpoints generated using the Conical Helix function. More...
vector< ofImage > ImageVector
 Will store the loaded images from the directory in a Vector. More...
int numberofImages
 Number of images loaded in the ImageVector data structure. More...
float timesinceLastTransition
 Time since Previous Transition/Animation. More...
ofVec3f overshotCameraStartingPosition
 The whole starting Animation consists of a few Components.A video played at the start,The zooming out effect from the end of the spiral and an overshot animation that will take the Camera to the highest ranked image that will be shown first during the experience. The below data structures are for for the OvershotCameraAnimation. More...
bool startoverShotCameraAnimation
 When set,this will start the overshot camera animation. More...
float position1_z
 Intermediate values that are used while tweening/animation of the camera positions. More...
float position2_z
ofQTKitPlayer startingMovie
 Apparently,the ofQTKitPlayer plays HD Video better than ofVideoPlayer. More...
bool startingMovieFinished
 Variable determines if the startingMovie has finished playing or not (initially set to false ) More...
ofSoundPlayer BluementhalMp3
 This class plays the Bluementhal song by Ulrich Schnauss in the background while the user watches his/her pictures.It is. More...
float timeGap
 Time that an image will be shown on the screen,this is controlled by the wii-motes acceleration. More...
bool isturnCompleted
 This variable is used to check if a half-swing is completed ,that is from back to front or from front to back. More...
bool fadeAudio
 If set,this variable will cause the currentVolume variable to fade. More...
float currentVolume
 The current volume variable is generally set to 1 ,but if fadeAudio is enabled,it will reduce the audio by -0.001 every frame,this is used in the end along with the Corresponding video to reduce the volume of the music. More...
bool startInstallation
 This variable is used to start the installation if the user is swinging on the wii-mote or if the enter key is pressed. More...
ofTrueTypeFont previewText
 previewText is used for loading the font Asyouwish.ttf More...
string tempText
 This string will display "Start Swinging !" at the start. More...
bool ending
 If true,the ending variable will trigger the backward playing of the starting video and provides a nice smooth ending. More...
vector< ImageDatataggedImageObjects
 Unused. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 52 of file testApp.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

testApp::testApp ( long long int  uid)

The Constructor takes the facebook userid and looks for that particular uid in the Images folder

along long it

Definition at line 603 of file testApp.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void testApp::assignStarPositions ( )


Drawing small dot stars in the background was attempted.Unfortunately,its too memory intensive ,nevertheless these functions are included if anyone is interested in trying them out.Just call assignStarPositions() in the setup function and drawStars() in the draw function

Definition at line 674 of file testApp.cpp.

void testApp::drawImages ( )

This function will draw the images.Used in draw

Definition at line 506 of file testApp.cpp.

void testApp::drawStars ( )

Definition at line 665 of file testApp.cpp.

void testApp::generateCircularSpiral ( )

Function that will generate the points on the Spiral

Definition at line 471 of file testApp.cpp.

void testApp::loadImagesandXMLData ( )

Load the Images and XML Data.This function will load the images from the directory and then parse the xml to get the score and album number.Once that is done ,we combine the untagged and tagged images to get a combined Data Structure

Definition at line 682 of file testApp.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

ofSoundPlayer testApp::BluementhalMp3

This class plays the Bluementhal song by Ulrich Schnauss in the background while the user watches his/her pictures.It is.

Definition at line 193 of file testApp.h.

vector<ImageData> testApp::combinedImageObjects

The actual data structure that is used for storing the ImageData objects.

Definition at line 155 of file testApp.h.

float testApp::currentVolume

The current volume variable is generally set to 1 ,but if fadeAudio is enabled,it will reduce the audio by -0.001 every frame,this is used in the end along with the Corresponding video to reduce the volume of the music.

Definition at line 252 of file testApp.h.

bool testApp::ending

If true,the ending variable will trigger the backward playing of the starting video and provides a nice smooth ending.

Definition at line 268 of file testApp.h.

bool testApp::fadeAudio

If set,this variable will cause the currentVolume variable to fade.

Definition at line 249 of file testApp.h.

vector<ofImage> testApp::ImageVector

Will store the loaded images from the directory in a Vector.

Definition at line 167 of file testApp.h.

bool testApp::isturnCompleted

This variable is used to check if a half-swing is completed ,that is from back to front or from front to back.

Definition at line 246 of file testApp.h.

int testApp::numberofImages

Number of images loaded in the ImageVector data structure.

Definition at line 170 of file testApp.h.

ofVec3f testApp::overshotCameraStartingPosition

The whole starting Animation consists of a few Components.A video played at the start,The zooming out effect from the end of the spiral and an overshot animation that will take the Camera to the highest ranked image that will be shown first during the experience. The below data structures are for for the OvershotCameraAnimation.

This vector will store the overshotCameraPosition and changes the cameraPosition during the start while tweening

Definition at line 178 of file testApp.h.

ofxXmlSettings testApp::pictures_XML

To load the XML File that is downloaded by the NostalgiaRoom Website.

Definition at line 127 of file testApp.h.

float testApp::position1_z

Intermediate values that are used while tweening/animation of the camera positions.

Definition at line 184 of file testApp.h.

float testApp::position2_z

Definition at line 184 of file testApp.h.

ofTrueTypeFont testApp::previewText

previewText is used for loading the font Asyouwish.ttf

Definition at line 262 of file testApp.h.

vector<ofVec3f> testApp::SpiralPoints

These are Spiralpoints generated using the Conical Helix function.

Definition at line 163 of file testApp.h.

vector<ofVec3f> testApp::StarPositions

Stores the positions of the stars.

Definition at line 158 of file testApp.h.

ofQTKitPlayer testApp::startingMovie

Apparently,the ofQTKitPlayer plays HD Video better than ofVideoPlayer.

Definition at line 187 of file testApp.h.

bool testApp::startingMovieFinished

Variable determines if the startingMovie has finished playing or not (initially set to false )

Definition at line 190 of file testApp.h.

bool testApp::startInstallation

This variable is used to start the installation if the user is swinging on the wii-mote or if the enter key is pressed.

Definition at line 255 of file testApp.h.

bool testApp::startoverShotCameraAnimation

When set,this will start the overshot camera animation.

Definition at line 181 of file testApp.h.

vector<ImageData> testApp::taggedImageObjects


Datastructure used to store details and images of the user's tagged images

Definition at line 273 of file testApp.h.

string testApp::tempText

This string will display "Start Swinging !" at the start.

Definition at line 265 of file testApp.h.

float testApp::timeGap

Time that an image will be shown on the screen,this is controlled by the wii-motes acceleration.

Definition at line 242 of file testApp.h.

float testApp::timesinceLastTransition

Time since Previous Transition/Animation.

Definition at line 173 of file testApp.h.

long long int testApp::userid

The user's id that is passed at run-time.Only a long long int (max value 9223372036854775807) can support the range of the userids provided by Facebbok.

Definition at line 130 of file testApp.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: